Chair application

Chair application to BIMUN 2025

We are glad that you are interested in applying for being a chair at the ninth annual session of Budapest International Model United Nations. Please read through the information carefully before you apply.

The committees to be simulated at BIMUN 2025:

  • Crisis Security Council
  • Counter-Terrorism Committee
  • Human Rights Council
  • World Health Organization
  • Security Council
  • Special Political and Decolonization Committee
  • Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
  • Disarmament and International Security Committee
  • Economic and Social Council
  • United Nations Environment Programme
  • Commission on the Status of Women
  • Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
  • Commission on Science and Technology for Development
  • Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee

Application requirements

Applicants are required to send their application via the website by the 15th of December. The application includes providing basic personal information, uploading a portrait picture (to be used on your official badges, the BIMUN website by and the BIMUN Facebook page), answering a few questions related to chairing and chairing experience, writing a short motivational letter (200-400 words long) and writing a short essay on one of the provided topics (300-500 words long). Please make sure to read the Terms and conditions of application for committee presidents before submitting your application. Please also note that applying does not mean automatic acceptance.

Your motivation letter should contain the following:

  • A short introduction including your hobbies and interests
  • Your personal motivation to chair a committee at BIMUN 2025
  • The three committees that you would like to chair in order of preference and what lead you to chose them
  • How you believe you could contribute to the professionalism and success of BIMUN
  • What you expect from the conference and what you wish to accomplish during BIMUN

The topics you may choose for your essay are:

  • Is the United Nations successful in accomplishing its declared objectives? Support your opinion by providing three instances that illustrate its effectiveness/ineffectiveness in addressing contemporary challenges and combating relevant issues.
  • Explain the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and how it has reshaped the dynamics of international relations in the Caucasus.

After the deadline, the Secretariat is going to select the most suitable applicants and as a second screening, they are going to be interviewed: there shall be an approximately 20-minute-long Skype-conversation aiming to gain a deeper insight into the applicant’s personality and leading skills. These interviews will take place in the week starting with the 20th January (We will contact you via email to finalise the timing of your interview.)

Before sending your application, please read the terms and conditions of application thoroughly, as it includes the duties and obligations you are to comply with before and during the conference.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us via

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