General information

General information of BIMUN 2025

Important! Please make sure you read and understand our Terms and Conditions and the Terms and Conditions for Chairs, since understanding all the information detailed therein is of essential importance.

Basic information

Registration 1st step deadline: 15th of December
(This is the deadline of the application.)

  • Number of delegate places (2 - 36)
  • Number of MUN-Directors (0 / 1 / 2)
  • Delegation information form
  • Accommodation

Registration 2nd step Phase I. deadline: 31st of January

  • Personal information of the delegates and MUN-Directors
  • Day 0 attendance

Registration 2nd step Phase II. deadline: 14th of February

  • Committee arrangements
  • Ambassador selections
  • Badge pictures

Registration 2nd step Phase III. deadline: 2nd of March

  • Arrival/departure dates
  • T-shirt ordering

Position Paper due: 2nd of April

Rules of Procedure: Coming soon.

Delegation sizes

We accept 2-36 students per school, organized into delegations of 2-12 delegates. Delegations represent the same country across multiple committees, with examples like 12 delegates for great powers (e.g., P5s), 8 for mid-size countries (e.g., Germany, Japan), and 3 for small powers or organizations (e.g., NATO, Estonia).

Conference fees

  • € 135 International delegates
    includes airport transfer, public transport ticket, lunch and snack for three days, snacks for the General Assembly, Delegates' kit and Handbook, entry ticket to the Official Party
  • € 85 Hungarian delegates
    includes lunch and snack for three days, snacks for the General Assembly, Delegates' kit and Handbook, entry ticket to the Official Party
  • € 135 International MUN-Directors
    includes public transport ticket, lunch and snack for three days, snacks for the General Assembly, entry ticket to the Official Party
  • € 60 Hungarian MUN-Directors
    includes lunch and snack for three days, snacks for the General Assembly, entry ticket to the Official Party
  • € 75 International chairs
    includes airport transfer, public transport ticket, lunch and snack for three days, snacks for the General Assembly, entry ticket to the Official Party
  • € 50 Hungarian chairs
    includes lunch and snack for three days, snacks for the General Assembly, entry ticket to the Official Party

We will give you further information about the payment after your delegation is accepted.


Schedule will be available from here.

'Day 0' programme

Since we would like to provide our guests with the best opportunities to get a deeper insight into Model UN practices, UN-issues and several other topics, we decided to continue a revised ‘Day 0’ Programme which will take place on the day before the first day of the conference.